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The Lolita


Lolita is a fashion subculture from Japan that is highly influenced by Victorian and Edwardian children's clothing and styles from the Rococo period. Different cultural mixes make the work more interesting. My friends wearing the Lolita dress, so to model the Lolita culture and express the beauty and sweetness of Asian femininity.  With each lyrical environment the styles of these dress become clearer.

The Real Cost


In this work, I used plastic materials to put together a sculpture, then put on the Lolita dress. I want to illustrate the cuteness and beauty of the Lolita style dress in contrast to the plastic sculpture. We know that many of us often see the good and bright side of the glamorous consumer lifestyle, but in the background, how many of us realize that this life we’re living is often harming us. 

Lolita and Hanfu


The two dresses all have the pattern of red-crowned crane, propitious clouds and plum blossom. These three items have special implied meaning of hope, longevity, good luck for its graceful posture and distinct color. It is not hard to see this is because China and Japan share similar cultures as neighboring oriental countries. Cultures and fashions are connected and influenced by each other globally.

The Family


The Family is a photographic project where I use my family members as primary subjects.  I design and make costumes using rice paper with calligraphy, foam and bubble wrap plastic, trash bags and everyday objects like apples and books.  I am interested in exploring these plastic disposables and common shipping items in relation to trade, clothing and fashion. Using my family members as models allows me to consider these objects on a personal, human scale at the same time that these human-made objects are affecting our earth on a huge and often catastrophic way. The project considers the way we humans consume and how our consumption affects our global environment. I would like to raise awareness of some of these issues through this family based photographic fashion series. 

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